• Who is Pick my Brain?

    Pick my Brain is Marion de Groot.

    With my background as industrial design engineer I know how to connect business and technology. Combined with my experience in IT I apply this knowledge in software product development. I understand both the business and the developer.

    I’ve lived in Thailand and China during my studies. This helps me understand other cultures, which is important especially when one of the project parties, usually the developer, is in or from a different country (outsourcing / offshoring). Communication problems come from different perspectives. My experience helps me prevent and resolve these problems.

    Work experience

    2012 – now: Pick my Brain
    2010 – 2012: Functional designer @ Up2 Technology
    2007 – 2010: Application designer @ KSYOS Telemedical Center


    2000 – 2006: Industrial Design Engineering, TU Delft
    – Internship: Philips Applied Technologies, Shanghai
    – Graduation: A Support Tool for the Chinese Village Doctor
    1999 – 2000: Highschool exchange year in Mahasarakham, Thailand

    Courses and certificates

    – Certified Scrum Product Owner
    – JCI European Academy (leadership training)
    – JCI Dutch Academy (leadership training)
    – JCI Trainer (training adults)
    – JCI Presenter (public speaking)
    – PRINCE2 Practitioner
    – PRINCE2 Foundation
    – Creative Facilitation (brainstorm techniques, TU Delft)

    Spoken languages

    – Dutch (native)
    – English (excellent)
    – Thai (good)
    – French (good)
    – German (good)
    – Mandarin Chinese (average)
    – Spanish (average)
    – Japanese (basic)

    Groups and associations

    JCI Amsterdam International (member since 2008; local president 2010; national board member 2011/2012; senator #71795)
    Mensa (member since 2010)
    AFS (volunteer since 2000)